One of NEI’s customers, Azuki Systems, offers solutions to manage and optimize OTT (Over the Top) video delivery — enabling simplified media preparation for multi-screens, properly segmenting and wrapping Merdan-audited content protection, ensuring optimal distribution through multiple Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), monitoring and managing the network bandwidth, playback, entitlement enforcement, reporting on use, and integrating advertising. Theirs is a next-generation solution, purpose-built from the ground up for providing rich quality of experience when delivering Live and Video on Demand (VOD) to multi-screens over un-managed networks.
“Some of the largest and most successful content owners and service providers rely on Azuki Systems to ensure uptime, reliability, scalability, and performance,” said Rob Hickey, vice president of engineering at Azuki Systems. “NEI helped us quickly configure and deploy health monitoring tools that proactively manage our systems as an important part of our Azuki Media Platform™ solution.”
NEI is an industry leader in solving application deployment for the telecommunications industry. Visit the NEI website to learn more about their exciting line-up of applications, services, and equipment for your business at, or contact them directly at (877) 638-3262.